Cinquième rencontre du projet ANR Diophante

Fribourg, 24-26 février 2009

Organisatrice : Evelina Viada

Programme :

mardi 24 février
16h30 café
17h15-18h15 Carlo Gasbarri The analogy between the number fields and the function fields and the abc conjecture
Abstract: We will explain the analogy between the arithmetic of the varieties over number fields and the arithmetic of the varieties over function fields and we will explain how this give some insight on the abc conjecture.

mercredi 25 février
9h30-10h15 Eric Gaudron New results in the theory of linear forms of logarithms
Abstract: Our talk will present new results in the theory of linear forms of logarithms, that generalize works of David and Hirata-Kohno.
10h45-11h30 N. Ratazzi Torsion bound in (product of) abelian varieties of Gsp type
Abstract: Let A be an abelian variety defined over a number field K, the number of torsion points rational over a finite extension L is bounded polynomially in terms of the degree [L:K]. We formulate a question suggesting the optimal exponent for this bound in terms of the dimension of the Mumford-Tate groups of the abelian subvarieties of A; we then give a positive answer to our question when A is (a product of abelian varieties) of Gsp type (for example, if dim A is odd and End(A)=Z, then A is of Gsp type). This is a joint work with M. Hindry. L'exposé sera donné en Francais.
15h-17h Carlo Gasbarri Horizontal sections of connections and transcendence
Abstract. We will speak about a generalization of the Siegel Shidlovsky theory.

jeudi 26 février
10h-10h45 Evelina Viada Small points on subvarieties of tori
Abstract: I will describe how the set of points of height bounded by different invariants distribute on a variety.