French-Chinese School
on Differential and Functional Equations
April 16th-27th, 2012
Wuhan, China

Organized by:

ANR project q-DIFF,

Key Lab of Mathematics Mechanization (Chinese Academy of Science),

School of Mathematics and Statistics (Wuhan University)

supported by
Université Sciences et Technologies de Lille
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Scientific committee: Hua CHEN, Xiao-shan GAO, Jean-Pierre RAMIS, Michael SINGER, Changgui ZHANG, Weinian ZHANG

Organizing committee: Wenyi CHEN, Lucia DI VIZIO, Ruyong FENG, Xiaochun LIU,Zhuangchu LUO, Stéphane MALEK


First week. The first part of the school will be devoted to a series of introductory short courses:

Second week. The second part of the school will consist of one-hour talks on subjects related to the topics of the short courses.

Confirmed participants: David Blazquez Sanz, Guy Casale, Guoting Chen, Elie Compoint, Laura Desideri, Lucia Di Vizio, Anne Duval, Charlotte Hardouin, Florian Heiderich, Murad Ismail, Michele Loday, Stephane Malek, Claudine Mitschi, Andrea Pulita, Jean-Pierre Ramis, Jacques Sauloy, Michael Singer, Hidetoshi Tahara, Hiroshi Umemura, Jacques Arthur Weil, Michael Wibmer, Leonardo Zapponi, Changgui Zhang.

More information concerning the school will be posted later.

Last modified: 03/15/2012 15:21:51